Three Ring Circus | Teen Ink

Three Ring Circus

February 26, 2016
By e.figueroa BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
e.figueroa BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

A three ring circus,
the biggest the world has ever seen.
Here I have front row seats;
on my couch, in front of the T.V.

In the first ring of this three ring circus,
it appears that a clown of a ring leader is in the center.
No one takes this clown seriously
his own people are bursting at the seams
ready to see him leave his executive act.
That’s all he will do,
executively act on important situations
that are in dire need of a team.
But it seems that he sits there and thinks,
“What other friend can I betray today?”
“What hostile beast can I attempt to tame today?”.
Though his dilemmas are plenty,
his act is almost up
so let’s move on to the second ring.

In the second ring of this three ring circus,
a peculiar pair of beings take the stage;
a puppet and a snake.
The puppet is aged
and its hair seems to have been groomed by baboons.
The puppet’s strings are pulled by the ignorance of the youth.
Attaining services for free
comes with a cost.
The snake
is no where near better.
She lies to the parents of those she killed.
She lies about secrets she shouldn’t have known.
Despite all this,
the people still approve of this abomination.
I guess one day,
the brainwashed will awake from the hypnotic actions and words,
but until then, we must wait for the next winter.

In the third ring of this three ring circus,
we find ourselves gazing upon;
a cackling hyena, a fox, a slot, a pig, and a young pup.
The hyena has more bark than it does bite.
Without his pack or his attributes,
he is nothing.
The fox
as you know, is very sly
and sneaks around to stay undetected,
and create mischief.
The sloth,
is intelligent
but no one looks past his tiresome appearance.
The pig,
is actually the opposite of unkempt
in fact,
he looks cleaner than some of the others,
but he too is smart,
yet still no one looks into his intelligence.
And now,
the young pup;
the best looking of the entire circus.
He has good intentions and knows how to attract a crowd
yet, what he lacks is experience,
an important factor for leading a crowd.
With all this said,
the rings have major problems.
Instead of uniting as one
to create a better union
they constantly bicker.
They create division.

A three ring circus,
the biggest the world has ever seen.
Here, everyone has front seats;
on their couch, on their bed,
on the streets, or in the store up ahead,
in an airport, or in another country,
As a matter of fact
everywhere, on their phones, tablets, computers, or on their T.V.
Though this is all amusing to gaze upon
with gaping looks on our faces.
There are no benefits from this three ring madness,
because in the end
our next leader could be another clown
raised up and trained
in the three ring circus.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by our president, and the two parties (canidates) running for the presidency. I just feel, to other countries, our situations are just entertaining. Our president, and canidates seem to be apart of a circus.

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