Migraine | Teen Ink


November 24, 2015
By P.Brad BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
P.Brad BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
2 articles 1 photo 1 comment

it's quiet,

but it's deafening.
the Noise in my head.
it’s like an argument,
but no words,
just YELLing.
A stereo system in my head,
BLasting Quarrels I CAN(H)T understand.
I feel it POUNDing my skull,
A(H) hand,
A(H) thumb,
Grotesquely enla(H)rged,
I can picture it
A(H)s it squa(H)shes my sa(H)nity,
the skin turning a(H) shade lighter,
the knuckles wrinkle a(H)nd hyperextend.
Now I Hea(H)r another YELLing,

A(H) reflection of me, but distorted
its face ConTortEd
its mOuth wider
its MAW open wide
ready to rip open my brain.
my hands trying to soothe the RAging monster inside
the people a(H)round me
can't hear hiM roaRing,
can’t feel hIs ceaseless BEATing,
can’t see His FURY and raGe.

It's still silent.

And I'm still trying to tame the beast inside,
while He tries to dominate me.
He’s Wild,
CirCling me
(With each step, PoUnDiNg.
With each breath, HEaTIng.
With each growl, RUMblING.)
It’s a assertion of POWER, of DOMinance.
And i coWer.

I KNow I willLlose,
iTs onLy a MaTter of TiME,
tIL the BEast
is No LoNGeR CaGED.



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