Man vs World | Teen Ink

Man vs World

November 17, 2015
By baythebae GOLD, Lincoln, Nebraska
baythebae GOLD, Lincoln, Nebraska
11 articles 5 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I came, I saw, I conquered." -Julius Caesar

Imagine a perfect world, in which no one was disposable, no one was mistreated, no one was mentally ill, or even ill. Imagine everyone in that world was always happy, always smiling, dancing, singing, and one with nature. Can you close your eyes and imagine such a simple world, where God could walk with us? Imagine if Adam and Eve didn't eat the fruit, we could see our greatest grandparents in the whole universe. We all spoke one language, we all got along, and we all were perfect. Now open your eyes and watch every ounce of that hope and wishing disappear in front of your eyes. Watch as society fills up the personality of those around you, watch as disappointment seeps into your veins like a flood onto a low valley. You wake up to realize that everything you work for is useless, you feel useless, and everyone around you is useless; but wait, what if there was a shimmer  of hope like a diamond on a ring. There is a shimmer it is you looking for a chance to change the world you live in to make a perfect world.

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