Sophia | Teen Ink


November 9, 2015
By Constellation SILVER, Staten Island, New York
Constellation SILVER, Staten Island, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A little ticking, a slight picking,
Step,step, open,sit.
The weather is a little
Fractured as of late,
The air a bit unclear,
Or maybe it's just me
My mind,
Ticking ticking ticking
Turning turning turning.
Learning, ever churning,
With the thoughts you say to me are wrong.
Because I fantasize of a world a bit better
Five plus one lettered,
Than the ever ever ever
Ticking ticking ticking
Bowl of Time fondue.

A whisper, just a whisper,
A hopeful in my ear,
Disembodied, harsh, and beautiful,
A breath of death unlived,
A voice there to me
But not to all the rest,
Reminding me of the
Step step open sit
Doomed, doomed, pretty little
Ticking ticking ticking,
Ticking ticking ticking,
The whisper whisper whisper
Of the ones you think are lies,
I think the thoughts you think are wrong.

A reflection, not one but two,
Two reflections, both not mine.
I only see the me I make
In a world you say isn't true,
But truth to me,
Truth to me
Oasis of the mad,
Pretty pretty pretty is the measly world
After the ticking ticking ticking
Ticking ticking ticking,
The clacking oh the clacking
Of White noised humanity,
Step step, open, sit,
Worn out gears from ever
Turning turning turning
Turning turning turning
Churning, ever churning,
Through the ticking ticking ticking
Ticking ticking ticking
Ticking ticking ticking of the World Clock.

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