I used to be... | Teen Ink

I used to be...

October 14, 2015
By Natalieee2533 SILVER, Hubbard, Minnesota
Natalieee2533 SILVER, Hubbard, Minnesota
6 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyday every hour turn that pain into power<3

I used to have a solid state of mind,

but know I shutter at the thought of big decisions,

I always close my eyes and imagine a brighter time,

but my brain believes that is a crime,

I once could think clearly,

but now my thoughts are clouded like the night sky,

if I could shut my mind off,

I would as quick as the car radio,

I dont breath as softly as before,

but I might decide to stop and soar,

I cant know for sure

but I can keep my mind pure,

I wont crumble under the weight of my thoughts,

but I might strain myself with the burden of overthinking,

I used to be solid,

but know I am partial.

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on Oct. 25 2015 at 5:37 pm
wolfvomit PLATINUM, Jacksonville, Florida
25 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
“don’t fall slave to the serpent’s tongue”

The ending could use a little more work. Remember to stick to rhyming or not rhyming. This has great potential, thought. Continue to grow.