The Crust | Teen Ink

The Crust

October 12, 2015
By MorganW. BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
MorganW. BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She doesn’t love you.                                                              up
You are the S O U R taste left in her mouth after throwing
And when she s l i c e s bread she rips off the crust.

YOU are the crust. She doesn’t love you.
How crazy it is that you would even THINK she feels anything.

Nothing is felt.
She used to be tangledinthoughts. She used to have a heart that beat wildly
E- V- E -R- Y -T- I- M -E she laid eyes on you.
But she doesn’t love you like she did.

Don’t you remember? DON’T YOU?
You left before it was dark.  You left.
She sat there waiting.
And waiting.
And w a i t i n g.
Her heart the bug you crushed on the sidewalk...I’m sure you remember that.

And when the summer sun slowly arose the next morning
she ate breakfast                                  alone.
The aroma of her sandwich made her sick.
That was the first day she tore the crusts off.
She r/i/p/p/e/d them off with both hands.
She didn’t really seem to care anymore.

She doesn’t love you anymore.
She doesn’t think about you anymore when the summer sun beats down upon her.
She doesn’t think about you when she cuts the crust off.
Because a sandwich tastes even better without it.
Imagine that.
She throws it away with the SAME hand you used to hold.

Who even NOTICES that though right?
Crust is disgusting.  

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