A Piece Is Missing | Teen Ink

A Piece Is Missing

August 22, 2015
By DosesOfReality PLATINUM, Underground, Washington
DosesOfReality PLATINUM, Underground, Washington
23 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If they don't see you just keep walking. At least you have yourself.

My knee is hurting again,

My hearts broken thinking of you.

I look up,

Laughing, leaning up against each other.

In that moment the world slows.

I see them, heads back,

mouths open wide.

I smile.

They transformed into a younger me, and a younger you.

Laughing our a**es off at god knows what.

The world speeds again.

You vanish,

It's just me.

Huddled down on the floor,

Tears streaming,

Eyes blood shot.

Screaming your name.

Apologizing to air.

Apologizing for whatever I did wrong.

Whatever I did to make you not love me, or care anymore.

The two women come back.

They're smiling at whatever made them laugh.

I feel the giant lump of emotion in my throat,

The sting in my nose.

I swallow the lump of sadness, and the sting of my sinuses.

I remembered you were gone.

Now I'm too scared to be attatched to another girl.

That, and no one could fill your place.

That, my Dear,

Will forever be a hole you left in my heart,

My soul.

It belongs to you,


The author's comments:

You really do sell some of your soul when you love someone.

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