Woes of Weathering Worlds | Teen Ink

Woes of Weathering Worlds

July 28, 2015
By BlueGirl BRONZE, Bangalore, Other
BlueGirl BRONZE, Bangalore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Born a bloody jewel, atop a verdant stem,    
bestowed with a wreath of hued petals,
encircled by her sisters, who would bathe
in the golden glimmers of sunlight, basking
in the intensity of its ardor, infusing into the ambience
the pleasures of sheer, unattainable comeliness
aspired for by each blossoming beauty
As the blazing, towering globe arched across the aging skies,
fulfilling its duty to its predetermined course,
her once chartreuse stalk keeled dolefully,
curving her physique into the arch of senescence
as the enclosing air matured inexorably, cruelly
taking with it her spirits, but not her life,
leaving her lone in an unending realm of death
whose sole spark was provided by her fading leaflets
As the ruby of life caressed the desiccated soil,
splintering into a multitude of fragments, the blood of her soul
percolating into the ground, poised to join the bygone
florets, who had collapsed years prior,
courtesy of the weathering time

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the astoundingly quick pace of time, and how those who are unaware of the race inevitably fall behind. 

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