A note to myself: This little warrior | Teen Ink

A note to myself: This little warrior

July 3, 2015
By Davisjeremiah SILVER, Greenville, South Carolina
Davisjeremiah SILVER, Greenville, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Living like everyone else makes you apart of the picture but choosing to stand out makes you the artist in front of the easel.

I've watched you grow, cry, laugh, scream, breakdown, and even fall

Because of your relentless faith everyone heard you make a winning call
I've seen you scared to face a crowd
I've seen you cry because criticism spoke to loud
I've seen multiple times where it would've been so easy to give up
But your actions spoke so loud it told me you were the essence of tough
I've seen them tear you down hurt you to the bone
It bruised for a while but you got up strong
I've seen you a prisoner to lost love for yourself
I've heard your loud silent cry to receive God’s help
You've broken me down all the way to my knees
Please please stand on your sturdy feet
Wow your inspiration to me
A little warrior  you are who fought to be free
I heard you scream I've watched you spaz
to be accepted by society more or less a class
You gained some tools for life
be who you are and never think twice
Developed respect and love yourself enough so strong
Because this day would come  when you could do it alone
I've seen the devil clock in to work on shutting you down
But a smile of  hope is what you always had and left him with a frown
I love you so much I did flips of  joy
You’ve let your  voice be heard while the mic sitting down like a useless toy
I've watch you gain  wisdom, power, tranquility
And through it all you kept integrity
You've read your story and you really moved on
I adore your ambition to keep your mind strong
You've had the smallest faith but how great it has become
I've always been your biggest fan and I'm still number one
You've murdered every performance
You've always been the star of the scene
You've always given your everything nothing less or in between
You've made a legacy they've heard your roar
So they will never question who your are or your potential anymore
I  never thought  I could say so much about me
I feel like I've accomplished this chapter of understanding my ability
If there's a  story of my life I’d call it “it only works if I love me first”
To move on from a situation I needed to accept the worst
To the bullies that hurt me this is your end
God doesn't like ugly that why I am the product of his beautiful and positive revenge
The sky may be the limit but I don't plan to stop
I will not stop until I'm understood as the top
During my darkest hours… Yes I found the light with my smile
And it just so happened it has lasted this long while
The worst I can wish upon my enemies is for them to have the best
Because my merciful God, he will handle the rest
I  know no  average potential is inside me
So average things will never define me
Hate is the route of determination
I hated being quiet so much I just had to escape it
My past has motivated me to make a better future
I'm rising up and above
Feel the gust of wings, can I compare to a dove?

The author's comments:

Its nonfiction but written in poetic for me

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