Last Poem About My Birthday | Teen Ink

Last Poem About My Birthday

May 9, 2015
By Idillio SILVER, San Francisco, California
Idillio SILVER, San Francisco, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Two boys get arrested on the curb of the school's parking lot. They get searched for something-- I don’t know what. The policemen open the door for them and push their heads down, and they get in, smiling. It’s my birthday and I want to know why the hell a fourteen year old has to get arrested on my birthday. Sometimes I hate myself because I look at disabled people's quotes that say things like "I was born with all my organs out of my body and my mom thought I wouldn’t be able to eat or drink, but now I have a girlfriend and co-manage a radio station at the age of 23" and I think he's just really c***y.

But it’s my birthday.

A girl just dropped her clipper card waiting for the same bus I am waiting for. it’s coming in six minutes and the card is just lying in the dirt. I look at it but it doesn’t look like I will pick it up. I honestly don’t feel like it,

And it’s my birthday.

The bus is taking way too long and I want to go somewhere, but I have nowhere to go. So it’s better for me to stand here quietly. I don’t want to shock any one.

And it’s my birthday.

I see a girl who went to my elementary school. We wore uniforms, and it was sure as hell elitist. And I took kindergarten portraits with her. I hear she sells coke. I’ve heard a lot of things. I’ve heard a lot of things because she is scary and dopey. I’ve heard that a boy took a photo of her, and told her he jacks off to it every night. I want to go over to her and ask her how it happened, and which one she liked better. But I’m wearing a cardigan.

And it’s my birthday.

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