If I Told You | Teen Ink

If I Told You

May 1, 2015
By LaQueeshaS BRONZE, Fairmont, North Carolina
LaQueeshaS BRONZE, Fairmont, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I told you that i give up, would you care?

If I told you I was dying tomorrow, would you be with me today ?

Would it matter to you if i was lifeless and had no ending

Would you still be close to me or will we become friends ?

If I told you that i lost all of my senses would you help me or will you walk away 

would i see you tomorrow or will this be the last day ?

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on May. 6 2015 at 2:51 pm
jaygatsbycastillo SILVER, Hemet, California
7 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never let fear decide your future.

Wow... I know exactly how that feels wanting someone... wondering if they even care... It's horrible but you can get past it it might take awhile but the pain will fade... it will never leave but it will fade significantly good luck!