Addiction | Teen Ink


May 1, 2015
By Megacellochic SILVER, McKinney, Texas
Megacellochic SILVER, McKinney, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You acted as if you were right.
You say he cheated on you one night.
Cheated on you with the screen of a computer and a hand.
You made everyone believe you were right.
You say he cheated on you in fright.
Cheated on you with himself and a stupid addiction.
He was frowned upon.
You say that he cheated on you.
We must have different definitions.
His doing compared to yours is like comparing an ant and a skyscraper.
He's the ant.
He slept in the hard couch while you took the soft bed,
Having secret conversations with the man you truly loved.
You rushed back to your old love like the rushing of mighty waters.
You say that he cheated on you.
That was the beginning.
The beginning of an inner rage that I didn't know existed.
It came from the deepest, darkest pits of Hell,
Contained in a single freckle upon my cheek,
Anger that has been locked in a cell.
The computer screen sat untouched,
As you were kissing your love.
He tried to fix it.
He did.
You wanted to be happy,
But I guess happiness didn't involve being with him.
You screwed around with another man while I sat,
Pissed at the man trying to repair it with more than duct tape.
I wanted to be happy.
But you would not allow that.
You never knew that I knew.
I never told.
I kept it in the deep crevices of my soul as I read the conversations.
"I wish I had never left you."
My heart filled with poison as dark as the anger I once had for him,
Threatening to explode.
Your lover had to end it.
A single message to the lover's wife.
You were no longer happy.
Your happiness became the Sahara, drained out of you.
He began to become happy.
You learned to be happy.
I am happy.

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