This is for You | Teen Ink

This is for You

April 24, 2015
By Miss.Alexandria PLATINUM, Los Angeles, California
Miss.Alexandria PLATINUM, Los Angeles, California
21 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
What would you do if today was your last day to live? Now go do it.

This is for you.
For the person that I see when my eyes are closed;
who has the voice that soothes  my soul more than music,
this is for you.
For the one who keeps me up countless hours to count the nameless stars,
and watch the sunrise over the mountain tops .
For whose love that burns brighter than the wick of my candle stick by my bedside.
This is for you.
This letter of affection is for only you.
You are the person every individual think is incapable for someone to find.
You've proven science wrong just for your existence.
Just for that this poem is for you.
Your hands are like a bolide barricade wrapping and securing myself in your grip.
Your words speaking calmness and assurance into an unspoken soul.
Just know,
This poem is for you, and only you.

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