Brainstorm | Teen Ink


April 28, 2015
By cmschase BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
cmschase BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A calm canvas,
no sun nor rain flows from my fingertips
the nature of my mind
a quiet, not peaceful, but unnerving-
where the streets
of my mind, are usually bustling with ideas
there is only a tumbleweed-
swirling through the bareness.
as it wanders aimlessly
it tickles my brain
reminding the ideas who locked themselves
in their safe homes that
they cannot hide forever
the tickle turns to urging-urging the ideas
not to fear judgement or criticism
exploiting themselves may cause.

The calmness brings anxiety
the thought clouds roll, in bringing wind with them.
the wind flicks my pencil in hand
scrawling this way, and that
all at once- the long awaited rain pours down
ending the drought
a funnel tosses up thoughts
from even the deepest crevices
thunder claps like a gun starting a race
and soon after the light flashes
over my head
the lightning forks in all directions
-but all leads back to the same, singular, strong, rod-
a controlled chaos…
unlike the rest.

Sure enough the storm abruptly ends
cut off by the school bell
taking, almost, everything with it
only leaving behind the beauty
created in the mess
like a diamond found
through the abundant rough
-a rainbow to share with the world.

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