Strength | Teen Ink


April 6, 2015
By Mysticrystal SILVER, Houston, Texas
Mysticrystal SILVER, Houston, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The heart is pure and always kind
it is strickly what one should find.
But you just lay distant without anyone
Without your strength, you would be done.

Pretty is just all for views,
which is often just a ruse.
Promises broken and truths untold.
Soul so black and heart so cold.

Smart is only for the mind
and is sometimes just unkind.
You hid your true self from the whole world
But couldn't stop as your darkness swirled

Words are simply for the ear
which are easy to disappear.
Words would said one thing but actions another.
They lied and deceived just like any other

Actions sometimes are just for show
to give what others what to know.
Now you lay quiet in your own zone.
United they fall but you stand alone.

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