Dependence | Teen Ink


March 28, 2015
By Tabitha-H BRONZE, Pottsville, Pennsylvania
Tabitha-H BRONZE, Pottsville, Pennsylvania
2 articles 1 photo 2 comments

It was a knock
In the middle of the night.
A “Who could that be this time at night” feeling.
Making my way down the stairs
I feel sick to my stomach.
My body filled with fear of what was behind that door.
However, I was tired.
I didn't peek through the window
Or look through the peephole.
I just opened up
Not caring who I let in.
I guess you can say I got lucky that time
Because it was just you.
Aching, and languid from the long day
Eager to be within the warmth of our home.
Suddenly, I was filled with this insuperable desire to feel your warm embrace.
So I kissed you.
It was amazing.
Warm, tender, passionate....
Before I knew it I was yelling.
You were trying to explain.
I stood agape as your excuses turned to a mere dull vibration in my ears.
“It was just one time”
Yet to this day I cannot stand the thought of your lips pressed firmly on your carcinogenic lover.
“It's not that big of a deal”
And I guess back then it wasn't.
Nevertheless, I was done with sharing your lips.
The more I tried to keep you from the lust
The more desire you felt.
Besides, I knew you couldn't quit
As easily as you quit on me.
Though it's been years since that day I lost you.
I still spend my nights
Waiting to be startled with a knock.

The author's comments:

Addiction is a serious uncurable issue. However, it CAN be controlled. I hope this piece inspires those who are addicted (especially young teens) to control their addiction. Not only for their loved ones, but for their own sake. 

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 3 2015 at 9:32 pm
Tabitha-H BRONZE, Pottsville, Pennsylvania
2 articles 1 photo 2 comments
Thank you so much!

on Apr. 3 2015 at 2:33 am
Iamwhoiam17 GOLD, Lake City Fl, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just be yourself,if you are happy that's all that matter's.

I love this poem. Beautifully written! It is amazing! :)