The light | Teen Ink

The light

March 19, 2015
By Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
35 articles 0 photos 0 comments

drink in this marvelous
that lights my life
it is provided
not only through
lt is in no way
from or through me
only from another
a great other
who l shall not name
for if l did
l may be slain
but l drink in their
for it lights up my life
it makes me brighter
than the light itself
and people think the light
is from me only
but l say!
it is not it is from
the greatest one
ever to be
mighty and great
and terrible
and beautiful
beyond anything l’ve ever
because the one who is mighty
and great
and terrible (not the frightening kind of terrible, the magnificent kind of terrible)
and beautiful one
gives me light
so that l can give
light to others

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