Endless Roads | Teen Ink

Endless Roads

February 7, 2015
By KrustyKrabPizza BRONZE, Sugarland, Texas
KrustyKrabPizza BRONZE, Sugarland, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Scraps of liter
just gliding by
like food tossed out the window of a car
eventually filling starving stomaches
providing long lasting seconds of satisfaction
every wrapper licked clean
because who knows when the next meal
will be found

Yellow paint
outlined across the hardened cement
setting guidelines and restrictions
like limits given to someone
on the curb of a long road
limited cash, food, clothes
limited options

a cardboard sign in the palm of a thin man
along with a cup
gripped with boney fingers
hungry for the sound of
clinking coins
like gravel loosely settled on the
edge of a road
not wanting to migrate
but eventually being carried away
as the road lurks for a new collection
of crushed rock

the bright lights convert from yellow to red
allowing nearby cars time to
slow down
while making others arrive to an abrupt
like strangers making their way down the street
some dropping money in lonely cups
without a glance
as if they’re forced
while others take the time to pass by with
a smile and let their greeting

those types of roads are endless,
always silent,
and dreaded by all.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 11 2015 at 2:26 pm
KrustyKrabPizza BRONZE, Sugarland, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments
Thank you!

on Apr. 8 2015 at 12:50 pm
ansem_unlimited PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
33 articles 0 photos 140 comments

Favorite Quote:
Thou may think of me as desired, to idolize or villanize me whichever you may choose. but gaze upon me and thou sall not see the husk of a man! for all my sins and all my bliss, i am anything but hollow

all good, good form, good content and great execution, it reads like a slow whisper and makes my skin crawl (in all the best ways)