Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 6, 2015
By RRT97 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
RRT97 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from campfire food and bug-infested campers in Door County with my family,
Riding my shiny, purple two wheel bike to Sentry and the library,
Hide and go seek with the neighbor kids and coming home before dark.

I am from napping under my mom’s desk at home as she worked and half days of 4K,
Bologna sandwiches with cheese cut right down the middle for lunch - everyday,
Coming home with sand-covered hair and skin from the backyard sandbox.

I am from family parties us grandchildren wouldn’t dare to miss, for the last ones were near,
Sunday morning church with my Teletubbies coloring books and stuffed bear, Jingles,
A divorce that flipped my life around - not seeing my dad for years.

I am from an inspirational single mom who would give up the world for friends and family,
Coupons from 2005 and cluttered tables oozing with hard work,
Crying that left pools of tears under my feet upon my many pets’ deaths.

I am from sun-kissed days of volleyball in the sand and jumping into the silky lake waves,
A new dog that saved my siblings and me emotionally,
Respect, hard work, and independence.

I am from rigorous cross country meets with Maddie, Taylor, and Kenzie,
Tyler leaving for boot camp...something we hadn’t seen coming,
Realizing how important my family is to me.

I am from staying up until the sun came up studying for a math exam,
Those days of sleeplessness and struggle that don’t seem to be getting better,
Rushing to work to pay for excessive shopping and saturday night gas trips.

I am happy I am from campfire food and bug-infested campers in Door County,
An inspirational single mom who would give up the world for friends and family,
  Respect, hard work, and independence.

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