A Map Threw My Mind | Teen Ink

A Map Threw My Mind

January 30, 2015
By Gabbyy_18 BRONZE, Bridge City, Texas
Gabbyy_18 BRONZE, Bridge City, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment

until it becomes a memory - Dr.Suess

It was then when I realized
what use to be me wasn't there,
When you never really cry but were able to
now it is all taken away from me in a heartbeat
I am just a body walking around, what else am I to be?
That was the slowest heartbeat I had experienced.
All I can do is pray for myself to come back
I do everything I can to try and smile
but it won't come, its hiding
and I cant find it
I scream
hoping someone will hear
I yell louder and louder
but still no one cares.
They look at me as if its my job to smile.
I start running and screaming
no one is listening,
no one is coming,
but where am I
I am lost
its dark. And still no tears
what is wrong with me
why do I only feel fear.
Fear with no tears is a perfect cover
I have to remind myself that I’m fine
I can make it
it’s not worth crying over
why am I this way.
It's still dark and it’s getting even colder
by the second
I feel myself dying
but no one see’s me.
Then I open my eyes and the feeling hits me.
This is my world, this is me.


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