Shadows | Teen Ink


January 12, 2015
By JasonNight BRONZE, Scotch-Plains, New Jersey
JasonNight BRONZE, Scotch-Plains, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Most people fear the shadows.
Shadows are dark, empty, soulless
that is what they say
They never take a closer look,
never realize that what is inside the darkness
is anything but soulless
For within that darkness is children
A boy, feared & mocked by all,
he retreats into darkness to hide
He wants to be unseen because he is ashamed
he is crying, he feels weak for it.
You see, he was taught to stand up
To fight back when oppressed
But when he does, it just brings more pain.
In his hand is a silver edge
He peers at it, seeing freedom
But he fears the unknown
Is the other side better?
What will his mom do without him?
He knows she is frail, so he stays
He can take any pain for her.
The girl weeps more openly
She cuts her skin, revels in the pain
It is an escape
It makes her feel something
when her heart is so empty
Allows her to express herself
In a way that words cannot
She doesn’t care about her body’s pain
Because the hurt within is worse
There are many more
One bullies others, causing pain
Because those who are supposed to protect him
Cause him pain more severe
He isn’t cruel, he doesn’t want to hurt people
But nobody has taught him to be kind
All he knows is that to show weakness
Is to invite pain and abuse
So while he appears to stand in the open,

it is just a facade
His heart lies dormant in shadows
So the darkness isn’t cold and soulless
It is safe and concealing, like a blanket
That one keeps from a young age
It protects those who need it
From the others who stand in the open
Standing in the cruel, harsh light

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 20 2015 at 8:53 am
JasonNight BRONZE, Scotch-Plains, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Thanks, appreciated

on Jan. 20 2015 at 8:52 am
apuri615 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
Good Stuff