My Side | Teen Ink

My Side

January 2, 2015
By OneDayAsALion GOLD, Plattsburgh, New York
OneDayAsALion GOLD, Plattsburgh, New York
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The moon illuminated your smile
Like nothing I’ve seen before.
I haven’t seen you look this happy,
Just lying next to me on the shore.
You swept me off my feet
While I lie here on my back.
I looked down and grabbed your hand,
And the butterflies flew into the pitch black.
Our lips locked in a daze of passion
Your body fit mine like a puzzle piece.
Our eyes met and refused to retreat,
I don’t think these feelings will ever cease.
My heart leaps from my chest and warms me,
Like when two galaxies collide.
My life had never felt more complete,
With you by my side.

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