Ghetto | Teen Ink


November 3, 2014
By Different_Artist GOLD, Watha, North Carolina
Different_Artist GOLD, Watha, North Carolina
13 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stay in peace, not pieces". (Iyanla Vanzant)

Now I’m ghetto, but only when I want to be.
I’m not like this all the time, just around the right company.
I’m not a hundred percent hood, just 50 on the side.
But just because that’s a flow I understand, don’t mean it’s ridden all the time.
Now since I like the way of being ghetto, my beginning three may have made you think I'm meant to fail.
That’s just because you don’t understand the way of my flow.
Those doubters like you, are the reason  I’ll prevail.
The flow of my speech, no matter shortened or cut, is what catches your attention.
If its not the right speech for you fine, but don’t expect me to change the way I’m spittin.
I chop up words when I talk,  I gotta certain ghetto flow.
But don’t underestimate me because I’m not that average negro.
I talk the way I do, because it feels right.
I’m not just following some average wannabe hood stereotype.
That black girl with nothing to go for, so she’s putting hope in a dream.
So she’s going after something that could never  be the way it’s seen.
And when I become greater, I know it will crush the ego of those who I find lesser than me.
Cuz I won’t end up like they want me to be.
Some cracked out unemployed hood ringer draining today’s society.
It shouldn’t matter what I look like, because before you stands a queen.
When she steps on the scene you can tell she has a beam. Something that can’t be missed.
I’m blowing kisses to those girls who can't help but hiss.
Now I try to keep a gentle nature, but when I get ticked, you better not expect anything but my fist.
I’m not worrying about those haters who had doubts if I was to last.
They just mad cuz they can’t make words like I do,
Nor can they cast your attention with the same energy that I have.
Cuz nobody’s got the words like I do, simply because they can't keep up with me.
I do the impossible with my words, you simply can't do me.
Their words couldn't keep up with the same light as mine, nor could they could ever be unique.
You may think that I’m getting a little cocky with the words that I say,
But thats just cuz your not used to this personalitay.
(point at hair) This right here, was grown out cuz I was looking for a change,
And they called me a freaking scarecrow, yet I was still spittin new game.
See these people were never good, with their aim- at picking a new target.
And when they saw I wouldn’t fail, you’d see their face go in flames of scarlett.
My ego can get as big as me getting ghetto, but see you would have never known.
Because you would have still been judging me by the way I appear,
And you see I still get greater, and that smug look on your face is getting smeared
Never knowing that I could still spit faster with the message still becoming clear-
So let me elucidate for you.
If you don’t like the way I am, that’s one thing about you I won’t miss.
You talked about me in your whispers, you would bash me in your message.
You never said it to my face, because up close I was the one you could never diss.
You hate me cause you ain’t me, my behind I give you to kiss.
Being ghetto is apart of me, but that doesn’t define who I am.
I still know the right way of speaking involving,
Yes ma’am, no ma’am, thank you ma’am and please,
Being ghetto is something I enjoy, but it’s not the only way you should know me.
Just because I’m ghetto, doesn’t mean that’s the only thing I know.
My mind is just filled  things, just waiting for your’s to be blown.
But sadly you’ll never know- Just how well I could work with my flow.
Cuz you decided to be ignorant, without a shadow of doubt, just thinking I would fail,
And my words with drain like a drought.
And if there’s anybody that knows better, that’s got cheddar better go get her,
Cuz I’m already where it’s at.
See there’s nobody to compete, and there’s nobody to compare.
So these imposters need to step back, because the ghetto queen is here.

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