A Working Body | Teen Ink

A Working Body

November 4, 2014
By LardOssimsauce SILVER, Minnesota City, Minnesota
LardOssimsauce SILVER, Minnesota City, Minnesota
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

He was once the greatest son ever.
Now He’s nothing more but a head in a dark cave.
He never could fulfill his dreams,
Because you made him broken.
You lived with it and accepted it,
And even forgot about it.


Time has passed and he is a man now,
And you still haven’t fixed him.
You only but put a little band aid on a severed head and commanded it to “live”
And when it didn’t start blinking, you yelled at it.
You expected it to be alive and to be doing complex thinking by now,
But it lied there in the dark cave rotting away.
When it rolled into your view you saw your failure.
You realized that all these years you never once tried to make it truly better.


Until the day you finally placed it on the neck,
But you only kept it together with twine stitches.


Now the time has come when the world wants a full working body.
Not a body with a poorly sewn on head,
That was never able to think or move,
The things a normal working body could.
And when you get it sent back, you yell at it,
Expecting things to change.
That my dear friends is insanity.
You’re not helping it,
You’re not realizing the problem at hand.
Because you think that this head, only held together with twine, can achieve greatness.
It never could and still can’t.
Because you never fixed it.
You just let head rot on and off the body,
And kept wanting and expecting it to work normally.
That’s stupidity, you should’ve fixed it earlier.
Instead, you were arguing with each other,
And just threw the head aside...


Well now thankfully the head is somewhat working.
His friends helped him get read adjusted.
They used string instead of twine.
They taught the brain to ignore the past,
And think for the future.
Try and try as hard as you can to move the arms and legs.
Never let the creators knock you off your neck again.
Just put one foot in front of the other.


Baby steps.

The author's comments:

For me, writing Peoms is a way to unwind. I thankfully have saved myself from taking very drastic life choice by just sitting down, taking a breather, and just letting the music and pain flow onto the page. I implore many other teens and children that are strugeling and wating to give up to try your best and to find a way to get your mind off of things. Putting them on paper works great for me, but maybe some of you could have diffrent emotional outlets. Just above all else, don't give up. 

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