Stop. | Teen Ink


October 23, 2014
By tamar_n BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
tamar_n BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


You think you are better
Even though you are worse

You think you are superior
Even though you are inferior

You believe you have more
Than others

When in reality
You are weaker

You torture people
Because you need it

It’s what you live off of

The adrenaline

The dominance

The feeling of control

Because in your life
You are the victim

You hide under a mask
Made of fear

While the people you torture
Hide in the bathroom stalls

It’s not fair
What you do to us

So do us all a favor

And stop.

The author's comments:

my poem was inspired from my independent reading book I'm reading in class. I'm reading The Lords of Discipline which is about hazing at a military school, which is where I got the idea for my poem about school bullying.

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