A Story of 17 Puzzle Pieces | Teen Ink

A Story of 17 Puzzle Pieces

September 17, 2014
By jlp247 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
jlp247 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from thinkers that take challenges,
a puzzle that keeps adding pieces till completed.

From watching the sunset in the Florida sun,
and letting go of the past along with it. 

I’m from farm animals that left the societal judgement behind,
and pastures that reach past eyesight.

From a family that endures in a roller coaster economy,
being together to share even the days work.

I’m from the day the open road became mine,
realizing my other half was leaving for college.

From living in houses with addresses changing,
a place that is a house not home.

I’m from pianos that write emotional stories through sound,
making the stressful thoughts drift away.

From a mother that puts others needs before her own,
a father that would go to the moon and back to protect his baby girl.

I’m from a stethoscope and scrubs,
a nurse that gives her life to the welfare of society.

From a dress code that includes name brands, 
and eyes that have focus on the future.

I’m from a family that sticks together like honey,
dealing with the boomerang that is cancer.

From blue shutters and a red door,
an abode that every utensil has its place.

I’m from being who you are not conforming for others,
embracing what we have to offer the world.

From mature conversations that leave my parents and I lost in words,
making the three of us aware of the potential we have within.

I’m from days that each second has a memory,
a year that makes a scrapbook of birthdays and family parties.

From the heart of knowing who I am,
a person who cares, is kind, and passionate.

I’m from thinkers that take challenges,
a puzzle that keeps adding pieces till completed.

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