A Werewolf's Blessing | Teen Ink

A Werewolf's Blessing

August 24, 2014
By Vidona GOLD, Asheville, North Carolina
Vidona GOLD, Asheville, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dont judge a book by its cover or else it might end up banging you on the head

 May teh heavenly host shine down upon ye,

Oh precious wolfling of mine.

May thine strength and speed be great

 So that thou suceed and gain what is thine.


 Hunter born, and hunter thou wilt be;

Let thinge father be proud of thee.

Bind about thee the mantel of courage


Blessings on thee, mine wolfling;

And pass on teh werewolve's legacy.

'Mihne Oldweth'

(my blessings)

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