An Ocean's Love | Teen Ink

An Ocean's Love

June 10, 2014
By hianita PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
hianita PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
21 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it." Sigmund Freud


You are like an ocean
Vast, free flowing, and strong
At initial contact
You shock me with your cool water
But upon submersion
I feel your warmth

You leave me speechless with your beauty.

You are like an ocean
Ruthless, impending, and fast
Your presence hits me all at me once
Then is quick to retreat back to your core

You leave me breathless in suffocation.

I'm just one girl standing in the water
Playing near the shore

I look out in admiration as the sun hits you just right.

I'm just one girl braving the waves
Treading slow against your current

I look back in terror as the sun sets upon the shore.

This is my first time swimming
Even though I never learned to swim

I forgive you for the harsh waves
That control you at night
And understand you're at the moon's whim

This is my first time being so scared
Even though I'm brimming with adrenaline

I forgive you for pouring onto me
In one blow that takes the cake

Allow me one last swim throughout the water
Before the current sends me back in
Body reaching the shore then finally
The end

The author's comments:
This was originally written on June 10th 2014.

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