Ash and Smoke | Teen Ink

Ash and Smoke

May 3, 2014
By Lucinnia BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
Lucinnia BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I suppose with any good writing and interesting characters, you can have that awfully overused word: a journey. -Alan Rickman

The black snow
Like a blanket that chokes you
Its friend Smoke
curls around you
cutting off your air
taking away everything
for themselves
And yet you allow it
You yearn for it even
And while their home
their cesspool
rests on your lips
planting a kiss of death
Heating your breath
Darkening your mind
Setting your sanity on fire
An attempt to find light, warmth and comfort
Where it wasn't
Where it was lost
Because everything in sight was destroyed
But when the chaos settles down
Before coming back to fill the
Everything is reduced to nothing
Leaving only Ash and Smoke

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