The Pier | Teen Ink

The Pier

April 6, 2014
By L.Elisabeth BRONZE, Jackson, Tennessee
L.Elisabeth BRONZE, Jackson, Tennessee
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I beg of you, Lady Uncertainty, be kind to me."

Alone at the end of the pier I stand,
Taking in a breath of the fresh sea air,
An eery calm, where time stands still
Past the pier, I gaze upon the expanse
In front of me, lies Uncertainty herself.
She lies quietly, her breath draws in and out
And the tide ebbs and flows.
But who could know if a storm lay only miles
From this solid, steady pier.
Lady Uncertainty haunts me.
Yet she beckons there still
With the promise of a better tomorrow
An immoral state of peace
How I dream of stepping off that pier
I dwell upon what should happen if I did
Would Lady Uncertainty lead me astray
Into the dark depths, leaving me to drown
While the storm continues to rage,
Or would she carry me on the wings
Of her smooth sails to the island of the peace?
I beg of you, Lady Uncertainty, be kind to me.

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