(Im)Perfection | Teen Ink


February 14, 2014
By snowjoe SILVER, Agoura Hills, California
snowjoe SILVER, Agoura Hills, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who am I

I am a perfect specimen

If god took AP art and his final grade hinged on the quality of a portrait, he would draw me naked

And he would get a Aplusplusplusplus

His teacher would gasp and say its more beautiful than an orphan`s face radiating with glee as he jubilantly unravels the soft,frayed,green wrapping paper covering the first Christmas gift he has ever received

His teacher will praise how beautifully god drew my indecisiveness
She will wonder at how he was able to pencil in my irrational fears so perfectly
She will give extracredit for how perfectly he shaded in my stupid decisions,
Marvel at his perfect brush strokes which illuminate my jealousy
Gaze at the beauty of his watercolor which highlight my ego
Be astounded by the sketchings of my awkwardness
Be awestruck by my braced teeth and weirdly bony feet

Because when God`s art teacher sees his portrait of me

She doesnt see a living model of perfection

Like everyone else she will see my flaws laid out on a buffet platter
She will notice my every quirk and idiosyncrasy
And laugh at my stupid fears
Scold my dumb decisions
And jeer at my crooked, train tracked teeth

But she will realize there is inherent beauty in my imperfections

And in her eyes

This beauty is indeed perfection

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem shortly after joining the slam poetry club at my school, responding to the prompt, who am I. Though slam poetry is a performance art and therefore usually entail longer poems, I think this poem is better read than spoken aloud, though I am not certain as I never performed it.

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