Will you still love me? | Teen Ink

Will you still love me?

January 29, 2014
By Mr.Dominican125 GOLD, Miami, Florida
Mr.Dominican125 GOLD, Miami, Florida
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read.
- Mark Twain

Monday, I wrote you a love letter
Tuesday, I wrote you a song
And today I write you this poem
Once again renouncing my love for you,
Because once is obviously not
Enough to exhibit the amount of love
I hold deep inside
So as I write you this poem,
I’ll leave everything on the table,
And completely expose
Myself to you
Conjuring up every last
Bit of myself
So you can get,
Understand, and love all of me
Not just itty bitty pieces
So I say to you
Yes you!
Here and now
Will you love me now and forever?
Imperfections and all?
As I stand here before you
Completely exposed
Will you love me even though
I’m not much of a cook…
Or a cook for that matter
Will you love me even
If I didn’t have
The best grammar
The trendiest clothes
Or the nicest hair
And if I didn’t always
Buy you chocolates
And flowers
What if I bought
Teddy bears instead?
Will you still love me?
Will you love me if
I told you sometimes
I just wanna cuddle?
What if I only made you
Breakfast in bed 3 times a week
Instead of everyday
Will you still love me?
What if I told you, that
Sometimes when I get naked
It’s mostly cause it’s hot
And not cause I wanna get some
And what if I told you
That sometimes I do
What if I told you that when
We’re cuddled up on the couch
And watching a movie;
I am actually staring at you and
Not the film itself
And as you acquire an answer
For each of my questions
I would like to transfer your attention
To my very first question
“Will you love me now and forever?
Imperfections and all?”

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