Mistaken | Teen Ink

Mistaken MAG

January 17, 2014
By Marissa Herrera BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Marissa Herrera BRONZE, Miami, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are evenings when
the moon is darkened in your favor.
Our conversation disintegrates.
The rebellious sound of silence
Filling veins with vacant pleasure.
I want you to kill me
Before those haunting brown eyes do.
Trembling hands holding trembling knees,
Your touch is something so familiar to me.
You welcomed my sadness
Like it was an old friend,
One who would insist upon
Small talk and a cigarette.

I’m stuck in a place between alive and dead
Spending time dreaming of a spirit realm
To be a state of consciousness
Rather than to take physical form.
But I’d take a body instantly
If it meant holding you again.
I want to stop the dreaming,
The longing.
If only I knew that would be the last time
I slept next to you,
I’d wrap my lips around yours again
Suck the poison out of you
Heal your sociopathic soul
But you don’t want to be healed, and neither do I.
We thought we could save each other
we were hopelessly mistaken.

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