I closed the door | Teen Ink

I closed the door

October 29, 2013
By Summergirl2963 GOLD, Mason, Ohio
Summergirl2963 GOLD, Mason, Ohio
15 articles 0 photos 5 comments

I closed the door
To open a new
Our relationship crumbled
Left me standing there
A new one formed in its place
I took a chance
You turned me down

I lost two friends
I loved so much
All remains
A broken triangle
Can't utter a word
A tiny hi
To shy to ask
What's up?
Or how was your summer

Now that's left
Uncomfortable silence
Distance between
Worried you'd be mad
If I talked to you
Can't hide the pain
Bubbling inside

No where to turn
All alone; unannounced
Acting like I'm so mature
So over you
But seeing you
My mind is whirlpool
You pushed me
You loved me
You didn't care

If only you knew
How I felt inside
Maybe things would be different
I'd have my best friends to laugh with
But instead I'm all alone
To blind to see
How much pain you caused
Can't believe you lied
Knocked me down
So full of it

Love your self to much
Can't remember the girl
You once held in your arms
Who once loved you to no end
Holds regrets
Mistakes as clear as filtered water
But you are weak
Can't seem to notice
How you can't treat me right
To bad your to young to know

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