I Am The Milky Way Galaxy | Teen Ink

I Am The Milky Way Galaxy

September 11, 2013
By Volleyball3r BRONZE, Troutdale, Oregon
Volleyball3r BRONZE, Troutdale, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone wants happiness no one wants pain. But you can't make a rainbow without a little rain."

I am the Milky Way Galaxy,
Pretty and peaceful.
Cannot be contained,
Yet captured in pictures.

I am God's creation,
Wonderful and mysterious.
The sun as my heart,
the center of my being.
Warm and Comforting,
But hard to understand since no one can get get close.

I have chaos inside,
Meteors as feelings that crash and burn.
My actions like stars,
Intense, disappearing, and unknown.
Never able to predict the next catastrophe.

Earth is my brain,
Full of life and unable to slow down.
Revolving around the sun and
Strongly affected by it.
The other planets necessary to life,
For they are my blood and veins.

I am the Milky Way Galaxy.
Constantly changing on the inside,
While remaining myself on the outside.
Not weak enough to be erased,
But not strong enough to support other life yet.
And still many secrets to be discovered.

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