a wednesday night suite in three parts | Teen Ink

a wednesday night suite in three parts

August 22, 2013
By Anonymous

easy aquaintances
french fry riverside no surprise
pulled up beside an old coworker's subaru
bear witness to her new hipster boyfriend
and illicit handbag exchanges
made a getaway to far away, it was all okay
and we relaxed
and waited.
the three of us.
for something new to happen.

easy aquaintances
with familiar strong demons
squeezing wedges of lime and discussing
our good times
here and now in a second floor barn door dusty
hiding place
forming family ties
with old friends.
and new friends.
not sure of what would happen,

easy aquaintances
much too easy and much to hazy to blame
or feel shame for what ensued
yeah, everyone's beautiful nude
and everyone's full of the truth and poison and rain
practiced variations on a youthful theme
in the dark and the warm and the wonder.
so we wandered.
the four of us.
and i'm still not sure what happened.

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