Trapped | Teen Ink


July 13, 2013
By Lia-Ann SILVER, Jesup, Iowa
Lia-Ann SILVER, Jesup, Iowa
8 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
An end in terror is preferable to terror without end - Sophie Scholl

298 pounds gorging itself

298 pounds comforting itself

298 pounds breaking itself

as I stay huddled; trapped

275 pounds suffocating me

275 pounds killing me

275 pounds breaking me

as i find no comfort; trapped

250 pounds breaking bones

250 pounds pulling muscles

250 pounds injuring joints

as i try to escape; trapped

225 pounds running away

225 pounds catching me

225 pounds chaining me

as i run from my life; trapped

200 pounds is joyful now

200 pounds is happy now

200 pounds is a miracle now

but i am still trapped

175 pounds is breaking a wall

175 pounds is reaching a milestone

175 pounds is killing all doubt

i am nearly done being trapped

150 pounds is sweet liberty

150 pounds is escaping culture

150 pounds is nearing my american dream

no jail cell can hold me!

140 pounds freeing me

from the prison I was once in

158 pounds lighter now

i am trapped no more

The author's comments:
If one is to write, write to impact the world. Write to change someone's life. Write to erase lies with honesty; write to make one hopeful and disperse the evil in the world

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