Puzzle Pieces | Teen Ink

Puzzle Pieces

June 19, 2013
By Kelly Patterson BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
Kelly Patterson BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
2 articles 8 photos 0 comments

I think people are defined by their thoughts

The way you think is the kind of person you are

Maybe that’s why I’ve always felt like

I’m set

A p a r t

From others.

How can you understand,



A person unless you know what they think?

And if we can’t read minds

We’re destined to live with buried emotions

So we desperately search for ways to replace the void,

We open our bodies to touch

Because maybe we’ll find that missing connection;

Wishful thinking.

The closest you can ever be to a person

Is determined by how much they tell you.

I have so many thoughts

I’d have to spend an entire lifetime explaining

To be able to connect with someone.

Or maybe a person is made up of so many parts.

It’s like a puzzle;

The more pieces it’s made up of,

the harder it is to solve.

But when you look closer at those pieces,

you realize each of them

Explains a fragment of your thoughts,


and mind.

And when put together,

you become the final picture.

Some pieces you share with others

And you can relate

But never fully understand.

Maybe a soulmate is

Someone who has all of the same parts

Or maybe it’s someone who can just understand

All of you

With no explanation.

Maybe I just have missing pieces

I have no other explanation

For the fading identity that comes

And goes,

the constant confusion of emotions

And my sense of reality.

Will I ever put my puzzle together?

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