Writers Block | Teen Ink

Writers Block

June 13, 2013
By Amanda.D SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Amanda.D SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What to write,
The Past,
The Future,
The list goes on and on

Write about music,
how it was your favorite class,
it helped you day in and day out
it pulled you away from the reality you didn't want to face,
how it filled every part of your being,

Write how words
Like Love and Hate
Are thrown around like candy at a parade,
lightly clicking sounds on the pavement,
With children pushing and shoving to get it first

Write the future,
not knowing what it's going to bring,
The fear of the uncertain time to come
Will it bring more sadness,
Or will it bring happiness,

Write about the past,
how some things
Just keep coming back to haunt you,
the happy times among the sad,
things you would rather not remember,

What to write,
The past,
the future,
There are so many things,
What to write,
I can't think of what to write

The author's comments:
This was my final for my creative writing final. I spent about three weeks reworking this and reworking thing. I really hope you enjoy it.:-)

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