Time is my enemy | Teen Ink

Time is my enemy

May 28, 2013
By Shellz585 SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
Shellz585 SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dreams are like the twin towers

Time past so fast in a split second. Time is my worst enemy because the past is gone. I ask myself why couldn't I take in every moment if only I knew what I no now. I look back and think about the past as it eat me alive the memories i wish I could go back I shred tears. How you ever though why didn't I savor every moment? and realized that you can't go back in time. I try to live in the present but my myth is everybody has something in the past that they want to go back and change. I want to go back and savor every moment all my friends all the laughs why didn't what was wrong with me back then. I'm thinking about all the people that use to be in my life that's gone now living there own life out of mine I took them for granted all my friends in middle school to. I awake at night can't sleep as I being eating alive by the fact that time I just just can't go back no matter what the past is gone. I have to find away to live in the present be who I am today and stop looking back. Time is my enemy.

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