She Saved Me | Teen Ink

She Saved Me

May 28, 2013
By leslieswett SILVER, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
leslieswett SILVER, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She saved me.
I was on a path to Hell,
A path to being a drop-out,
A path to getting knocked up,
A path to getting hurt,
And hurting everyone around me.
Everyone knew,
Even my mother.
I was bad,
I was lost.
I was roaming around,
Incapable of seeing the truth.
I was young,
I didn’t know,
And then,
Yet I did.
She saw me,
She saw what was in me.
I didn’t care at first,
She was just another teacher,
Just one more person to hurt me,
Just one more person to make me feel incompetent.
Just another person to bring me to my knees,
And make me suffer.
Back then,
It seemed as if everyone was out to get me.
I was dying inside,
When she finally woke me up.
I’d given up on myself,
On who I was,
But she made me see the real person inside.
She showed me how to let go,
To be okay with who I am,
To cope with who I was.
She shook my nerves,
Until I couldn't hold it all in anymore.
She brought me to my knees in the pain of the truth,
And a new person was to rise from my fallen place.
A person who finally believes,
A person who finally cares,
A person that is going to be somebody.
All because of one teacher.
The teacher,
That proved a stubborn girl wrong,
The one that picked a loose,
Hateful girl,
With a lost soul,
Up from her knees and showed her what was inside,
The one that burned my bridge to Hell,
The teacher that saved me.
Stephanie Necessary.

The author's comments:
This is for a teacher, that saved me. She taught me to be myself and accept who I am as a writer and a person. I am forever thankful and in debt to this woman.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 28 2013 at 4:50 pm
LexusMarie PLATINUM, Las Cruces, New Mexico
27 articles 0 photos 423 comments

Favorite Quote:
The more control you have over yourself, the less control others have over you.

Hello there! I saw this on the most recent tab and I have to say that I am honestly very happy that I did, that I found a writer with the talent that you have. I love the title and the picture and everything as a whole. It's all so wonderful and all goes together. I loved the emotion in here, it was honest and truly sincere. I felt how much you truly appreciated this teacher and it was really heartwarming. You did a wonderful job with this. I enjoyed the length and the emphasis of certain things. Great job! And I am truly glad that you found your way and got to a better place in your life. Good luck with all that you do and have more confidence in yourself and your writing, as you are wonderfuly talented.