Missing You | Teen Ink

Missing You

May 14, 2013
By raiders BRONZE, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
raiders BRONZE, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I loved your smile, your humor, the way your heart shined, not one day goes by, where you don't cross my mind.
I never believed the day would be coming, until I saw that you were fading.
You couldn't wake, you couldn't speak, but you showed your fear, and I knew you were weak.
I told you goodbye, I then kissed your cheek, I started to cry, I fell to my knees.
Everyone starred, they tried to stay calm, I couldn't even look as your hand fell from my palm.
It all happened so fast, almost as a dream, but once you were gone I knew it was true.
I wish there was a way, a way I could've fixed, but like paper, glass, and broken sticks, you had been left unfixed.
I prayed so hard for God to heal you, for me to go and you to stay.
I loved you so much, in ways I can't explain, because your so close to my heart, I even felt your pain.
Broken love so strong, like an arrow through my vein, I've learned to move on, I've been able to strain.
I wish you sure could see, just what I've come to be, I know you would be proud.
I know I'll see you again, but for now you can only watch.

In Loving Memory Of...

Roberta Claire Vachon

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