Dear You | Teen Ink

Dear You

March 2, 2013
By Gabri PLATINUM, Marysville, Washington
Gabri PLATINUM, Marysville, Washington
34 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
''If you're going to insult somebody, walk a mile in their shoes first. Because, then they won't be able to hurt you, AND you'll have their shoes. Bonus!

I knew you for years
Before I fell into your trap
Since I was six, I believe.
You told me sweet things
And whispered in my ear,
Forever daring me to dream.
"How was your day?"
So on and so forth.
It didn't stop,
But all you were was a fly in my ear,
An irritating little pest just my age.
Then, when I began to ignore your affection
You followed me about, still
But this time, storming like a bee in high weather.
Pulling my hair,
Thinking yourself charming
Rather quite annoying, actually.
I guess it was adolescence
But my attitude changed
And your did, as well.
Suppose people want what they can't have,
After a year,
I realized.
You're nothing but a jerk toying with emotions,
And, unlike many others,
I had the brains to get away.
But after putting a thousand miles between us
For months before not giving you the time of day,
I just can't seem to forget.
From affection to hate and back again;
Maybe it was because, once upon a time,
You were my best friend,
But, whatever.
Think of this as a letter,
with the envelope labeled,
"Dear You."

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