Follow the Leader | Teen Ink

Follow the Leader

February 27, 2013
By Kristen Calderoni SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
Kristen Calderoni SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He takes the ice as he swerves
on it. He gives the puck to his teammate with a pass
He takes control of the puck and shoots
Blocked by the goalie it’s a save
Disappointed with his shot, he hits his stick on the ice with a slam
Causing it to break and heard throughout the whole arena. He just heard his own sigh.

His own coach even let out a sigh
He swerves and swerves
The stick hitting the puck slams
Pass after pass
And another save
Shot after shot.

He picks up speed and he shoots
Another disappointing sigh
escapes his lips as the goalie made another save.
He skates and swerves
to the bench and watches his teammates on the ice pass
to each other as an opposing team member hits his own teammate with a slam.

“Oh boy he got slammed.”
he thought to himself. They shoot
and it’s a save. They pass
and lose the puck and sigh.
The two teams cursing swerve
past another and they are saved.

Yes saved
But not for long. At intermission the locker room door closes with a slam.
“You all need to stop swerving
with that puck and just shoot!”
The coach continues to rant on for a good ten minutes and stops with a sigh.
“Just win this game and pass.”

Listening to their coach they continue to pass
The opposing goalie continued to make great saves
The amount of sighs they have caused me to sigh
Fed up, he slams
the opposing player into the wall and backhands the shot
and it’s a goal! He swerves

back to the bench and it’s a relieved sigh that now passes
through his mouth. He swerves to the bench, takes a seat and he’s now safe.
The teammates follow his lead as they slam into the opponent and win the game watching his shots.

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