Heart Shifter | Teen Ink

Heart Shifter

February 27, 2013
By brianatetlow GOLD, Cinnaminson, New Jersey
brianatetlow GOLD, Cinnaminson, New Jersey
14 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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I happen to be an eighth Cherokee, that's why i have this dream catcher, that catches about an eighth of my dreams!

If I ever see you with someone else I'll break their jaw. I know your lips will heal them, your laughter ease them, and your presence help their heart beat. maybe I will do it just to know that jaw has touched you recently and therefore my hand has touched your body and I can smile, pretending I'll never wash my knuckles. maybe I will do it because I know that jaw has touched yours and I know they touch all of your skin, teaching them lessons like good guys do in the movies. They always get the girl back. But maybe I did it because they need to see how absolutely perfect you are. To know your kisses heal them and to feel your laughter ease them and to hear their heart beat for you. Because I know who you are. And they need to know it too to have you. Broken bones fix. I feel my world shifting with every beat of their heart.

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