I Feel Lonely | Teen Ink

I Feel Lonely

January 29, 2013
By Norma Cervantes PLATINUM, West Lafayette, Indiana
Norma Cervantes PLATINUM, West Lafayette, Indiana
29 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Whenever I go, I see couples,
And I stand there alone,
Wasting time,
When I can be wasting time with you,
Why do I have to pretend to be someone else,
I'm walking in a crowed,
That I don't want to walk in,
On Valentines day,
I don't have no one to spend it with,
Why do my crush have to like my best friend?
I sometimes think,
"What does she have that I don't have?"
And when I think I might spend Valentines with someone,
It never happens,
When I go to the park,
I see couples cuddling,
I wish I was her,
But maybe in the future,
I will have a man of my own.

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