Paradox of Time | Teen Ink

Paradox of Time

November 11, 2012
By Maurychild GOLD, Toronto, Other
Maurychild GOLD, Toronto, Other
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds. -Bob Marley

Life passes us by,
We don't notice it,
We attempt to measure it,
Take control of it,
There's only that moment,
That one moment that we are alive because the rest is gone,
A memory,
It journeys into time,
Our one moment is infinite,
Life is made of this,
Or less than,
We live in moments,
But it escapes our acknowledgment,
These moments taken for granted,
limitations forgotten,
This idea of time,
It's enveloped our Self,
The only capital of what be's,
Ignoring life,
Organizing our smiles by the ticks of time,
It's our fault,
We can't just be,
Well my mind is free,
Time is of the essence,
For that reason,
Time should not matter,
Focus on your love,
Create as many smiles as possible,
Work through your trials,
They won't last forever,
But don't watch the clock,
You'll only miss a lot,
It's quite the paradox,
Be aware that you live in a moment,
Life is a series of moments,
Lucky, uncontrollable seconds,
I'm happy because I care for love, not time,
If you want to be satisfied,
I'd suggest you embrace the divide.

The author's comments:
My perception of time has really changed recently. Like if it's Monday, I'll never say Friday is so far because I know once Friday arrives, I'm thinking, has the week even happened? So now I don't focus on time, I just focus on the moments. The measurement of time is a human creation and has become our obsession.

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