Living on a Summer Afternoon | Teen Ink

Living on a Summer Afternoon

October 28, 2012
By Xanadu BRONZE, Amherst, Massachusetts
Xanadu BRONZE, Amherst, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The airplane is broken
like paper eggshells
scattered across the blue pavement.
Flying was not enough.

We sit across the yard,
in the hazy shade of the trees
and watch it crash
while the last light of summer
burns the tips of our tongues.
Your laughter tears me into pieces
Pushes me out from under the covers
onto the cold floor.

I want to cry, because you are beautiful
So instead I laugh until I spin
and I am breathing in your soul.
I did not know how to live
until now
when I am intoxicated with sunlight
and the way our voices collapse against each other.

For a moment I have existed
but now I lie in pieces on an interrupted blue
and remember that flying
is not enough.

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