Panic Attack | Teen Ink

Panic Attack

October 19, 2012
By sincerely_jones BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
sincerely_jones BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” - Dr. Seuss

I can’t breathe
Clouds float over my eyes
Oh God
Oh God
A sensation courses through my body
My stool rocks
Back and forth
Back and forth
My pencil melts through my hand
I can no longer grasp it
Words leap off the page
They dance around my head
Mocking me
They jeer at my clouded eyes
My heart trips up the stairs
I feel the lurching push of the fall
My heart drops its drumsticks
It abandons the drum set
My heart is climbing up my chest
It’s squeezing through my esophagus
My lungs steal the sticks and play the drums
The beat grows faster and harder
My head swims with the fishes
I’m lost to the world
My fists are ready to throw the first punch
I close my eyes
I allow myself to enter the darkness
My hands relax
My lungs surrender their drumsticks
My heart retreats to its seat among the drums
My eyes see clearly
Words no longer plague their vision
My hands hold the pencil like a bow
Getting ready to shoot the first arrow
The arrow pierces the first page

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