Blaming others for Love Driven Away | Teen Ink

Blaming others for Love Driven Away

October 14, 2012
By Young_Ace BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
Young_Ace BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How can you blame someone else for what you lost for what you drove away?
It’s just dumb for you to be mad at someone who had nothing to do with what you caused
How funny is it when you caused the one person that believed in you, that loved you, that would have given you there last, that would have loved you until the end
How sad is it when he would have loved you for who you are but you couldn’t be honest, you couldn’t tell the truth, you couldn’t just trust him
How can you be mad, how can you be angry, when they break up with you
How can you tell the person there with now that they stole the love of their life?
How can you say such things, how can you manage to stay sane
How can you manage to forgive yourself, knowing that you drove away the one good thing you had in your life
How can you live knowing that you destroyed, decommissioned, broke, and buried a part of him, never meant to be laid to rest?
How can you live with yourself knowing that he loved you?
How do you feel now that I’m gone, being loved by another

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this after my ex finally managed to drive my my away. She finally lost my love.

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